• Our Mission is to:
    Connect our community with the world by providing a gateway to innovative information, educational and leisure resources and building a lifelong learning experience or heritage.

    Our Vision is:
    The Franklin Lakes Library will continue to be our community's premier and most reliable source for information, educational resources, entertainment and instructional programs for all ages. Our services are welcoming, flexible, empowering and available to all residents.

    Our VALUES that guide our behavior are:
    Versed - Library will be staffed with knowledgeable and experienced personnel
    Accessible - Library will provide products in multiple formats at our facility and remotely
    Linked Library will use BCCLS for buying power and collection depth
    United - Library will work well with our community groups and residents
    Explorative - Library will remain open-minded to new ideas and methods of informing
    Sustaining - Library will responsibly meet the needs of our residents.

    Approved: 11/16/15

    The mission of the Franklin Lakes Free Public Library is:

    To make readily available to Franklin Lakes residents library materials and information services proportionate to levels of demand and use and to provide access to resources outside of the library's collection.

    To further the mission the library puts forth the following values: The library is an open, accessible facility which serves people of all ages, all interests or abilities with fairness and equality.

    The library is a community resource of enormous value, worthy
    of saving and protecting for the future.

    The library affirms an ongoing commitment to excellence which is demonstrated by its collection, programs and services.

    The library accepts and embraces change whenever appropriate to achieve excellence.

    The library will enhance personal development or continuing education interest of its users by
    providing a suitable environment for such pursuits.

    The library champions literacy as a critical element in our society and encourages community residents to become lifelong readers.

    The library's strength is largely reflected in the employment, development and retention of an enthusiastic, qualified staff.

    The library strives to accomplish its goals in a cost-effective manner.

    Approved February 11, 1991


    The library features current, high demand high interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages, and maintains a collection of time-honored materials of historical and literary significance.

    The library provides timely, accurate and useful information and serves as an access point for research centers.

    The library is a central focus point in developing, sponsoring or hosting educational and enrichment programs and services for individuals and families.

    In partnership with the family, the library encourages young children to develop an interest in reading and learning, and to become lifelong learners and readers.

    Approved February 11, 1991

    To implement the previously stated mission, the Franklin Lakes Public Library provides the following services to individuals and groups in the community.

    A. Materials
    1. Materials will be selected in accordance with the Library's Selection Policy (VI).

    2. Books will constitute the major portion of the collection. Materials in other formats are made available according to interest and need. Among these other formats are records, cassettes, filmstrips, toys and computer software.

    3. The public library will emphasize serving those in the community who do not have other forms of library service available.

    4. The collection will serve as a supplement of the collections of local schools.

    B. Information Services
    1. The library's reference collection will attempt to meet most of the needs of the community.

    2. Trained staff will be available for handling user queries.

    3. All requests for reference assistance, both in-person and by telephone, will be answered in a professional manner, using the resources available.

    4. A variety of formats, both print and non-print, will be made available for answering user queries.

    5. Whenever necessary the library staff will refer the user to other libraries, agencies, institutions or individuals which may be able to answer the query.

    C. General Services

    1. The library will be open hours that are convenient to the public.

    2. Adequate and trained staff will be available to assist users.

    3. Circulation policies will govern the borrowing of all library materials.

    4. The library's equipment and facilities will be available to the public, subject to policies established by the Board of Trustees.

    5. The library will cooperate with other libraries to extend the range and varieties of services it can provide to its users.

    6. Fees may be charged for some services.

    7. Programs, designed to meet the needs of various population groups, will be provided on a regular basis.

    D. Public Relations
    1. Displays and lists of materials will be made available to increase the public's awareness of materials.

    2. The library staff will endeavor to treat each library user fairly and pleasantly.

    3. Through a variety of media the community will be informed of the resources and services of the library.

    Approved 12/19/83

    A. The library shall be open to the public Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday hours shall be 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Saturday hours, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday hours from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    B. The library is closed Sundays during July and August and the first weekend in September.

    C. The library will also be closed on certain legal holidays which may vary. The holiday schedule shall be approved each year by the Library Board of Trustees.

    D. Any other closings will be subject to the approval of the Library Board.

    Approved 1/81, 2/81
    Revised 1/9/84, 12/14/92, 1/15/96, 5/21/01


    Core Competencies for New Jersey Library Trustees and County Library Commissioners 2004.pdf

    Click here to download this policy document as a PDF file.

    The Mayor and council, by the adoption of this document, declares it to be the policy of the Borough to establish fair and equitable standards for the benefit of the employees of the Borough and to provide for the proper administration of the governmental affairs of the Borough.

    A. EMPLOYEE: Any person employed by the Borough of Franklin Lakes and listed on the payroll either on a full time, part time, or temporary basis.

    B. FINANCIAL INTEREST: Any interest which shall yield, directly or indirectly, a monetary or other material benefit (other than the duly authorized salary or compensation for services to the Borough) to the official or to any person employing or retaining the services of the official.

    C. MUNICIPALITY: The Borough of Franklin Lakes.

    D. OFFICIAL: Any person, other than a Borough employee, elected, appointed to or retained as a professional advisor by any public office or public body of the Borough, whether paid, or unpaid and whether full time or part time.

    E. PERSON: Any person entity, firm, association, group, partnership, or corporation, or any combination thereof.

    F. PERSONAL INTEREST: Any interest arising from blood or marriage relationships or from close business or political association whether or not any financial interest is involved.

    G. PUBLIC BODY: Any agency, Board, body, commission, committee, department or office of the Borough of Franklin Lakes.


    A. IMPARTIALITY: No official or employee shall grant or make
    available to any person any consideration, treatment, advantage or favor beyond that which it is the general practice to grant or make available to the public at large.

    B. USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY: No official or employee shall request, use or permit the use of any publicly owned or publicly supported property, vehicle, equipment, labor or service for the personal convenience or the private advantage of him/herself or any other person. This rule shall not be deemed to prohibit an official or employee from requesting, using or permitting the use of such publicly owned or publicly supplied property, vehicle, equipment, material, labor or service which it is the general practice to make available to the public at large or which are provided as a matter of stated public policy for the use of officials and employees in the conduct of official business.


    performance of his/her duties shall require any official, advisor, or employee to deliberate, act or vote on any matter involving his own financial or personal interest, he/she shall publicly disclose the nature and extent of such interest and disqualify him/herself from participating in and shall physically remove him/herself from public or private deliberations or voting, and shall not take any action in his/her capacity as a Borough official, advisor, or employee relating to such matter.

    B. REPRESENTATION OF PRIVATE PERSONS: No official or employee shall appear on behalf of or represent any private person other than him/herself or a corporation or entity by whom (he/she is employed and from whom he/she) receives more than fifty (50) percent of his annual income, before any public body in the Borough of Franklin Lakes.

    C. GIFTS AND FAVORS: No official or employee shall accept any
    gift, whether in the form of money, thing, favor, loan or promise, intended to influence any official action.

    (1) No official, advisor, employee shall, without prior formal authorization of the public body having jurisdiction, disclose and confidential information concerning any other official or employee, or any other person or property in the Borough or the governmental affairs of the Borough.

    (2) Whether or not it shall involve disclosure, no official shall use or permit the use of any such confidential information to advance the financial or personal interest of him/herself or any other person or entity.


    Upon the complaint of any person alleging facts which, if true, would constitute improper conduct under the provisions of this chapter, the council, in cause of official, and administrator, in case of employee, shall conduct a full investigation to determine whether there are sufficient facts supportive of the complaint to warrant further action.

    None of the provisions of this policy shall operate or be construed to violate any state statutes or valid collective bargaining agreements. Such statutes and agreements containing provisions which are contrary to this policy shall not be affected thereby. But the provisions of this policy shall remain effective and be applicable to all officials, advisors, and employees not governed by such contrary provisions or state statutes or collective bargaining agreements.


    Public Library Trustee Ethics Statement.pdf

    ALTA Ethics Statement for Public Library Trustees.pdf

    Organization Charts.pdf

    Library Physical Characteristics.pdf

    History of the Franklin Lakes Public Library.pdf

    NJLA Guidelines for Conducting Library Business Via Electronic Communication.pdf

    Click here to download this policy document as a PDF file.

  • In accordance with New Jersey Law N.J.S.A. 18A: 73-43.1 to 18A: 73-43.3, library circulation records and other records identifying library users are confidential in nature.

    A. Only those records necessary for the proper operation of the library shall be retained.

    B. Library records which contain the names or other personally identifying details regarding library users shall not be released unless disclosure is requested by the user, or disclosure is required by a subpoena issued by a court or court order.

    C. Upon receipt of a subpoena, the Board of Trustees shall consult with the Borough
    Attorney to determine if it is in good form and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance.

    D. If the subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown, the Board shall insist that such defects be corrected before any records are released.

    E. Any inquiries regarding library records shall be directed to the Director and/or Board of Trustees.

    Approved 10/31/81
    Revised 5/86



  • Welcome to the Franklin Lakes Public Library. The Library’s first priority is public service. Every day hundreds of people visit our Library to read, select materials, use electronic resources, attend programs, and request information from the staff. The Library has the right to maintain its facility in a clean, pleasant and safe manner. Every individual has the right to work without undue interference. All Library users and employees should be free of threat of harm, invasion of property, or gross indignity. Anyone using the Library must agree to follow the rules of conduct so that we can provide a clean, pleasant and safe environment for everyone.

    In order for the Franklin Lakes Public Library to provide an atmosphere conducive to the appropriate use of its services and facilities, the Library has adopted the following Rules and Regulations for public behavior.

    1.Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the conventional use of the Library’s facilities, equipment and services while in the building.

    2. Any materials borrowed from the Library must be charged out in accordance with established procedures before they are removed from the Library’s premises

    3. Patrons shall respect the rights of other patrons and shall not harass, intimidate, or annoy others through noisy or boisterous activities, by staring at another person with the intent to annoy that person, by following another person around the building, by playing audio/visual equipment so that others may be disturbed, by openly displaying disturbing or offensive visual material, by sleeping, by singing or talking loudly to others or in monologues, by running or throwing objects in the building, or by behaving in any other manner which reasonably can be expected to disturb or interfere with the use of the Library by other persons.

    4. Patrons shall not engage in any illegal activity.

    5. Patrons are not permitted to carry weapons in the facilities unless authorized by law. Any patrons authorized to carry a weapon must notify Library staff and provide reasonable legal documentation to support authorization.

    6. Patrons shall not use or be under the influence of alcohol or controlled dangerous substances on entering the Library.

    7. Disruptive or unsafe behavior including any conduct that interferes with the use and
    enjoyment of the Library by other Library patrons or with the functioning of the Library staff is prohibited.

    8. Patrons shall not use loud, abusive, threatening or insulting language.

    9. Sexual misconduct such as exposure or threatening touching, or verbal harassment of any kind is prohibited.

    10. Activities or behavior that may result in damage to Library property, including making any attempts to damage computer equipment or alter software configurations is prohibited. Patrons shall not deface or mark books, magazines, newspapers, recordings, DVDs or other items in the Library collection nor shall they deface, mark or in any way destroy or damage Library furnishings, walls, machines or other Library property.

    11. Sleeping, smoking, bathing or changing clothing in restrooms is prohibited.

    12. Patrons shall not bring bicycles, pets or animals into the Library other than service animal

    13. Using bicycles, skates, or skateboards on the Library premises other than for transportation is not permitted.


  • Responsible Use of Library Resources and Materials
    The Franklin Lakes Public Library serves the public and to that end it has established a Responsible Use Policy with the following goals in mind:

    To help to ensure the health and safety of all library users and a long life for library collections, furnishings, and equipment.

    To allow the library staff to direct funds to purchasing library materials that support the curriculum, rather than to replacing resources, furnishings, and equipment damaged by careless patrons.

    To respect our hard-working custodial staff by taking responsibility for our personal behavior.

    Therefore, behaviors deemed inappropriate toward furthering a climate of responsible use and/or detrimental to library facilities will not be tolerated and may lead to suspension of library privileges.

    The library will charge patrons and, if under aged, their parents/guardians for the cost, repair or replacement of lost or damaged materials, furnishings, equipment, or library property. Patrons are responsible for the appropriate treatment of library property.


  • To assure that attendees or participants in library programs have a suitable environment for their enjoyment and enrichment, the following Code of Behavior for Library Programs has been developed. All library members and guests are expected to abide by this Code.

    1. Children 5 years of age and under must be accompanied and supervised by his/her own parent or adult guardian at all times during library programs.2

    2. Program registrants are expected to notify the library if they are unable to attend. Prompt arrival is expected. Anyone who arrives 15 or more minutes late will not be admitted to the program. Children under the age of nine must be picked up immediately at the program's conclusion.

    3. Program participants, adults and children alike, should assist in the cleanup of materials, equipment, toys or books at the conclusion of a program.

    4. Eating and drinking is not permitted, unless by prior approval of the library administration. Smoking is not permitted at any time.

    5. Participants in library programs agree to provide any materials requested on supply lists and abide by program rules, eligibility requirements, and registration procedures.

    6. Loud talking, shouting, rude behavior or disorderly conduct will not be tolerated.

    7. The library expects the public to use appropriate care of all library materials used in programs. Any damage, beyond normal wear and tear, is the responsibility of the library user. For children under the age of 18, this responsibility is assumed by a parent or legal guardian.

    Violations of the above code will be dealt with promptly by the library staff. Repeated offenses may result in loss of library privileges and/or monetary retribution as reviewed by the library administration and/or the Board of Trustees.

    ADOPTED: January 14, 1991.

    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 15, 1991



    Disruptive behavior is defined as any conduct that violates the Franklin Lakes Public Library Rules of Conduct.


    The Franklin Lakes Public Library has a zero tolerance for threatening behavior. The Library will perceive the that a threat has been made when a patron verbally or physically threatens, intimidates or assaults another patron or library staff, or threatens to do harm to himself, and is done in person or via written notes, phone calls, text messages, use of social media or e-mail directed at library staff or the library in general. When threatening or potentially threatening behavior takes place, staff members will attempt to respond according to the nature and severity of the situation. In addition to any legal action taken against them, patrons involved in threatening behavior will be subject to the disciplinary policy below.

    The Franklin Lakes Public Library employs an incremental disciplinary policy in dealing with disruptive/threatening behavior. In order to enforce this policy, all staff members are given the following guidelines to assist them in implementing the library's policies.

    *Initially, the patron will be informed that he/she is violating Library rules and that if the disruption continues he/she will be TOLD to leave the library for the remainder of the day.

    *If the behavior continues the patron will be TOLD to leave the library property. If an individual does not leave the building when asked to do so, the staff member will notify the police.

    *If the person or persons are minors, (under the age of eighteen (18)), the library will attempt to contact the parent(s) and request that the child be picked up immediately. If no parent can be contacted, the appropriate authorities will be notified and asked to take charge of the situation.

    *An incident report will be submitted to the Library Director in the event of any violation of policy. After the first offense, anyone violating the policy on disruptive behavior will be banned from the library and have their privileges suspended as follows:

    FIRST REPEAT OFFENSE: One (1) month

    SECOND REPEAT OFFENSE: Six (6) months

    THIRD REPEAT OFFENSE: Permanent Ban- Privileges revoked

    Any person who enters or remains on library premises after having been notified by an authorized individual not to do so, and any person who enters or remains on library premises during the period he/she has been banned from the library will be subject to police removal and may be subject to prosecution for trespassing.


    The Franklin Lakes Public Library has a zero tolerance policy towards violent behavior. Any incidence of violence will result in staff notifying police and the removal of the offending patron from the building. The patron will be permanently banned from the library and his/her borrowing privileges revoked. In such an instance, the privileges may only be reinstated upon application and hearing by the Library Board of Trustees.


    Patrons whose privileges are suspended or revoked will be notified in writing via certified and regular mail at the patron’s address provided on the library records. For minors, letters will be sent to their parents.


    Any patron whose privileges have been suspended or revoked may request in writing to have the decision reviewed by the Board of Trustees. The patron will have the opportunity to present evidence and argument to the Board as to why his/her privileges should be reinstated. The Board shall consider the past conduct of the individual, the nature and seriousness of the offense(s) which necessitated the revocation of privileges, the impact of the offense(s) on other patrons and library staff. For patrons whose privileges are revoked because of violent behavior, the Board may also consider the patron’s criminal record. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to deny the Board’s right to ask that any sentence imposed in any criminal proceeding against a patron who has violated this policy regarding violent behavior include a suspension or revocation of the patron’s borrowing privileges and right to use the library.

    Approved: 12/11/89
    Revised: 5/16/05, 3/21/11


    In the spirit of cooperation with community groups and organizations, and to further its role as a community and cultural center, the Franklin Lakes Public Library has adopted the following policy for the display and distribution of non-library literature on library premises. Display space in the library is limited, and certain elements of the policy reflect this constraint.

    DEFINITION: Library literature is material which provides information about library activities or services.

    1. Only library literature may be displayed or distributed on Circulation or Reference desks, computer catalogs, or doors.

    2. Materials may be refused because of size or lack of space available.

    3. Advance permission to post notices or leave flyers for public access/distribution is required. Notices generally may not be posted for more than two weeks prior to an event.

    4. Materials which relate specifically to the community of Franklin Lakes have priority. These include:
    a. Official notices of the Borough of Franklin Lakes

    b. Notices of the Boards of Education

    c. Announcements of forthcoming events sponsored by local schools or organizations

    d. Announcements of events to be held in the community

    e. Materials of general interest to residents, such as county, state or federal programs and services, educational and cultural offerings, community school programs, and announcements from other libraries in the area

    5. Personal opinion, for-profit, partisan, political, commercial, and private services notices may not be displayed. This includes, but is not limited to: tutoring, music, art lessons, investment seminars, items for sale, baby sitting services, landscapers,etc.

    6. Non-conforming items which are posted without approval will be removed and discarded, without notice to the sponsoring individual or organization.

    7. The Franklin Lakes Public Library is not responsible for the intentional or inadvertent destruction or removal of material which is posted or left by the public.

    8. Distribution of literature to the public in the library or around the entrances and exits is not allowed.

    Approved: 9/17/97


  • The Franklin Lakes Public Library strives to maintain a safe and secure environment for patrons and staff alike while protecting individuals’ right to privacy. With safety as a goal, public areas are subject to the use of camera surveillance and recording. This policy is in force to deter public endangerment, vandalism, theft and mischief and to identify those individuals involved in such activity for law enforcement purposes. Signage is posted at the Library entrance to inform the public that security cameras are in use.

    Recordings are stored in a secure area and will be retained for thirty days or until the capacity of the system has been reached, whichever occurs first. When capacity is reached, the oldest stored images will be deleted automatically by the system software.

    Only the Library Director and his/her staff designees have access to real time monitors. Confidentiality / privacy issues prohibit the general public from viewing security camera footage.
    In the event that the Library Director is involved in an incident, the Library Board of Trustees may also access the recordings.

    When an incident occurs on Library premises, surveillance recordings:

    *Will be used to identify the person or persons responsible for actions considered to be disruptive to Library operations; violations of Library policy; and/or criminal conduct.

    *Will be made available to law enforcement or when required by law. All law enforcement requests will be referred to the Library Director or, in his /her absence, to the Business Administrator. In the event of a search warrant, which is executable immediately, the Library’s Administration will comply with the search warrant and consult with legal counsel.

    *Will be retained and reviewed for as long as it may be deemed necessary by the Library Director, the Library Board, law enforcement personnel, or when otherwise compelled under the law.

    *May be shared with other Library staff to designate person(s) suspended or otherwise restricted from Library property in order to maintain a safe and secure environment.


  • General Policy:

    The Franklin Lakes Public Library (Library) encourages gift giving to the Library, but will avoid obligations that restrict or impact its resources. Therefore, the Library can only accept unconditional gifts. Any gift to which the donor has attached conditions, terms, limits, purposes or restrictions (conditional gifts) may be considered by the Board of Trustees of the Franklin Lakes Public Library (Board). It is the prerogative of the Library Director and/or the Board to accept or reject any conditional gift.

    Books (Unrestricted Donations):

    Unrestricted donations of books, DVDs, and the like must be in good condition and will be accepted providing the donor understands that the Library will make use of these materials as it sees fit. All such donations may be included by the Library in the collection, discarded, or sold. Upon acceptance, the Library will give the donor, upon request, a receipt for the materials donated; however, no dollar amount will be included on this receipt.


    Gifts of money, stocks, or securities may be accepted by the Library. The Library will not accept a conditional gift when the monies are designated to purchase a specific book(s) in memory or in honor of an individual or organization; the donor may select the subject of interest for the purchase of the book(s), but not the title(s). Professionals at the Library will make the book selections.

    Objects/Artwork/Landscaping Plants/Artifacts:

    All gifts in this category must be approved by the Board. The Library will give the donor, upon request, a receipt or written acknowledgement for the items donated; however, no dollar amount will be included on the receipt.


    Regarding the naming or dedication of any exhibit, collection, sign, plaque, section room, or outdoor area maintained by the Library, such designations may be made only with Board approval, in its sole and exclusive discretion. Such designation may occur after a meeting and agreement of the Board.

    Designations cannot be mandated by any Donor. Any designation may be removed, discontinued, or relocated by the Board at any time for any reason without notice to any Donor.

    General Definitions:

    The Naming Rights Policy covers rooms, spaces, furnishings, equipment, library collections, requested to be named by way of a designated plaque or nameplate. Other items may be recommended for naming after consultation with the Library Director and Board.

    Specific Definitions:
    1. A room in the building may include an enclosed room, designated areas such as story-time corner or an interior wall.

    2. A designated plaque or nameplate may include an inscribed commemorative thin, flat plate or tablet of metal, porcelain, etc., intended for ornament, as on a wall, or set in a piece of furniture.

    3. A collection is groups of books, media, and other information items.

    4. Furnishings and equipment include furniture, computers, and similar articles that are not a fixed part of the building and have a short life span.

    5. Financial contributions include outright gifts of money, securities, in kind donations
    and endowments.

    Guidelines for Naming

    The appropriate level of financial contributions required for naming opportunities will be determined by the Board. Proposals for naming should be submitted to the Library Director and should contain specific information in support thereof, including any guidelines on how the donated funds are to be used to support the named room or area. If endorsed by the Library Director, the proposal will be forwarded to the Board for approval. The Board reserves the right to name rooms, install designated plaques or nameplate furnishings and equipment or library collections, according to what is best for the Library.

    A proposal for naming rooms, furnishings and equipment, library collections, or by way of a designated plaque or nameplate in honor of a person will normally be considered when that person is a benefactor to the Library and the size of the gift merits special recognition.

    The Board is grateful for and encourages donations from all individuals, businesses and
    organizations, but retains the right to decline any gift to the Library or naming proposals.

    Naming rights will not extend beyond the normal life of the space or asset. In the event the room or building is significantly altered during the agreed upon time when the gift was made, the Board will roll the name forward in a similar capacity. Recognition will be
    for 20 years or for the life of the room (whichever is less), unless the individual or corporation provides continuing or additional support.

    The Board reserves the right to choose the wording, size, location and style of the plaque inscription, or other recognition. An appropriate dedication ceremony will be planned and conducted.

    Recognition of Gift Levels:

    General Room Naming Levels: The Board will determine whether a donation is sufficient for approval of naming rights. The Board will work with the donor to determine the appropriate room or area to be named and will consider the amount of the donation in its decision. As noted above: Recognition will be for 20 years or for the life of the room (whichever is less), unless the individual or corporation provides continuing or additional support.

    Sponsorship and Naming: (areas which may be considered)
    +Periodical Area / DVD Area / Study Rooms
    +Reading Areas / Computer Area
    +Teen Room / Medium Meeting Rooms / Drop in Play Area
    +Outdoor Meeting or Reading Areas
    +Large Meeting Room
    +Main Children’s Annex / Room
    +Other areas will be determined by the Board.

    Material/Equipment Gifts:

    Donations of materials/equipment and funds to purchase materials/equipment will be accepted with the understanding that the Library reserves the right to determine if, and in what manner, the donated items will be used. The Library will make a good faith effort to use monies in accordance with the wishes of the donor(s). The Library may refuse proposed gifts if restrictions are counter to Library policies.

    Commemorative book(s) will receive a bookplate listing the donor and the honoree and an acknowledgment letter will be sent to the person(s) or family of the person being honored.

    Monetary Gifts:

    All monetary gifts will be recognized with an acknowledgment letter.



    The mission of the Franklin Lakes Public Library is to strive to enrich, enlighten, educate and empower every person in its community by providing free access to information, ideas and knowledge through books, programs and other resources.

    The purpose of the collection development policy is to provide guidelines for acquisition and withdrawal decisions, the allocation of resources and long-range planning in accordance with the library’s mission statement in order to establish a collection of physical and digital materials that meet the informational, educational, recreational, and business needs of the community.

    The library is dedicated to the protection of the free expression of ideas and the private reading, listening, and viewing rights of individuals, as protected by the principles in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Library Bill of Rights adopted by the American Library Association, the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements of the American Library Association, and the American Library Association’s
    Declaration for the Right to Libraries (see appendices).

    The Board of Trustees recognizes that full, confidential, and unrestricted access to information is essential in order for patrons to exercise their constitutional rights. The Board believes reading, listening, and viewing are individual, private matters. While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves or their own minor children, the freedom of others to access information will not be restricted, even if the material may be controversial, unorthodox, or unacceptable to others. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for the use of the library's collection by children. The Library does not stand in loco parentis. It is only the parent or legal guardian who may restrict his/her children from access to library materials or services. The selection of library materials will not be limited by the possibility that items may be viewed or checked out by minors.

    The Library collection will be organized, marked, and maintained to help people find the materials they want; however, materials will not be restricted, sequestered, altered or labeled by the Library because of controversy about the author or the subject matter.

    As a member of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS), the library is able to easily access the collective resources of all the BCCLS member libraries. Sharing of materials of all types is crucial to the success of the consortium, and is a factor in making purchasing decisions. While patrons are encouraged to borrow material from libraries in the BCCLS consortium, the Franklin Lakes Public Library’s Collection Development Policy only
    covers materials purchased by the Franklin Lakes Public Library.

    A strong collection requires ongoing evaluation and maintenance. Materials will be regularly weeded from the collection based on the following criteria: outdated or superseded, infrequent use, physical condition, and relevance. Replacements and updated editions are purchased when warranted. Discarded materials may be sold, donated, or recycled as the library determines.

    Ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the Director who works within the framework of policies as established by the Board of Trustees. The selection of materials is the responsibility of the library staff under the supervision of the Library Director and/or department heads.

    Materials will be selected to meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs and interests of the community. Materials will represent a variety of viewpoints on current and historical issues. Staff will select materials in a variety of formats using published reviews, professional and trade publications, and patron requests and recommendations. General selection criteria for all materials includes, anticipated and popular demand, accuracy and currency of information, age appropriateness, cost, historical significance, literary and/or artistic merit, significance of the author, and the strengths and weaknesses of the existing collection. An item need not meet all of these criteria to be selected. Patron requests will be evaluated based on the above selection
    criteria as well as the availability of materials in the libraries of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS).

    The Library ensures that consideration of the needs of historically oppressed, underrepresented, and underserved groups is an integral part of collection development. The library regularly assesses the adequacy of existing collections to ensure they are reflective of the diversity of the library’s constituent populations.

    The Library welcomes gifts of funds and materials to enrich the collection. New or used donated materials are subject to the same criteria as purchased materials. Gifts of materials are accepted with the understanding that they may be utilized or disposed of at the Library’s discretion. Monetary gifts will be applied to the selection of materials by the director in consultation with library staff and the donor as appropriate. The Library reserves the right to determine the use and disposition of all gifts unconditionally.

    Anyone who wishes the Library to reconsider the acquisition or removal of an item must fill out a “Request for Reconsideration of Material” form (CLICK HERE). These forms are also available at the circulation desk. Requests are reviewed by the Director and appropriate department heads. A written response will be sent to the complainant. If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision, he or she may then appeal in writing to the Director. The Director will review the material and issue a response. If the complainant is still not satisfied, he or she may appeal to the Board of Trustees. The decision of the Board is final. Above all, the Board of Trustees has as its concern the fairness of such a hearing so as to protect the rights of all who are involved.

    Click here to download this policy document as a PDF file.

    Library Bill of Rights: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/librarybill

    Freedom to Read Statement: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/freedomreadstatement

    Freedom to View Statement: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/sites/ala.org.advocacy/files/content/Declaration.pdf

    Declaration for the Right to Libraries: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/sites/ala.org.advocacy/files/content/Declaration.pdf

    The First Amendment: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/censorship

  • Circulation policies are established as a compromise between the Library's commitment to make materials available to the entire community, and the individual's need for adequate access to particular items.

    A. Loan Period

    Library materials may be borrowed for the following time periods:
    Books - 28 days

    New Books - 14 days
    Holiday Books - 14 days
    Travel Guides - 14 days
    College Guides - 14 days
    Book Express - 14 days
    Compact Discs - 14 days
    Audiobooks - 28 days
    Periodicals - 14 days
    DVDs and Blu-Rays - 3 days and 14 days
    Hotspots 14 days

    Reference books, current issues of periodicals, newspapers, microforms, and other material(s) left to the Director's discretion, do not circulate.

    Specified loan periods maybe altered temporarily when deemed appropriate by the Library Director.
    Example: Vacation loans

    B. Renewals

    Any item may be renewed
    for a maximum of three (3) additional circulations, providing no
    one has placed a reserve on that item. Exception: 3 day DVDs and 14 day Book Express titles may not be renewed.

    Approved 3/9/81
    Revised 11/12/85, 5/9/88, 2/14/95, 1/21/97, 4/18/07, 10/17/18

    C. Number of Items Borrowed

    Limiting the number of items an individual may borrow allows similar materials to be available to other borrowers. Borrowers may have up to fifty (50) items charged out on their card at one time.

    1. Books:

    a.Single themes — no more than three (3) non-fiction books per subject may be taken out.

    b.Holiday Books — may be restricted depending upon the number of titles available for loan.

    2. Other materials:

    DVDs — New DVDs and Blu-Rays are limited to three (3) per borrower for Franklin Lakes residents; out-of-town residents may borrow one (1) new DVD/Blu-Ray per cardholder.

    3. The Director has the authority to alter the above limits temporarily when deemed appropriate.

    Approved 3/9/81;
    Revised 11/12/85; 12/11/89; 3/92; 11/9/92; 2/14/94; 5/9/95; 12/11/95; 1/2/97; 4/18/07, 10/17/18


    1. Beginning January 1, 2022, the Franklin Lakes Public Library has
    eliminated late fees and cleared patrons’ debt because of the
    exclusionary impact of fines and card blocks.

    2. Items from special collections such as museum passes, Inter-Library Loans, Library of Things, and WiFi Hotspots will continue to have overdue fees attached, including items from other Bergen County Cooperative Libraries who are not fine free.

    3. It is recommended that Franklin Lakes Library cardholders who have fines on other BCCLS library items pay those fines online through www.BCCLS.org. A $.50 service charge is added to all online payments.

    4. The goals of eliminating the fines are to remove barriers to the library,
    encourage reading, and move toward a more equitable society.

    5. Under the new rules, no library patrons will have to pay a late fee if they return something late.If something is lost, (materials are considered lost after a 60 day period), the patron will be expected to pay replacement fees unless returned and will be barred from checking out other materials. After the 60 day period, patrons will have 30 days to return a billed item to the library, after which the library will replace the item and will not accept it back. Patrons with 90 day overdue items must pay the full replacement price with no exceptions; patrons may keep the item/s once found.

    6. Once you return an overdue item or pay for its replacement cost, your account will be reinstated and no fines will be charged.

    7. To help you to remember to return items on time, we send reminders by email, text and phone. You can customize your reminders and choose how you want to receive them.

    Approved: ——-

    Revised: 11/12/85. 3/91. 1/13/92. 2/14/94, 4/19/99, 1/26/01, 5/16/07

    E. Lost/Damaged Materials

    1. The library’s charges for lost materials or for the replacement of seriously damaged materials shall be consistent with the prevailing unit prices approved by the BCCLS System Council, which are adjusted from time to time as needed. These unit prices are outlined in the BCCLS Policies and Procedures manual, Section VI, pages 1 — 2.

    2. The unit price of an item is a set dollar amount that becomes the default unit price for consistency and uniformity. Libraries may change the unit price to reflect the actual list price of the item. If a library replaces the default unit price the patron or library will be billed at that amount.

    3. Member libraries may accept payment for lost materials owned by any BCCLS library.

    4. Borrowers are responsible for any overdue fines accrued on lost or damaged material(s).

    a. Replacement prices for kits, miscellaneous and short loan may be locally defined.

    b. Material(s) owned by other libraries must be adjusted to the policies of the loaning library.

    5. The cost of repackaging media in suitable boxes or containers for circulation purposes is considerable. While normal wear and tear is expected, borrowers
    are expected to reimburse the
    library for lost cases or boxes and for those that are damaged due to misuse. As a rule of thumb,
    if an item has circulated more than five (5) times, and the material has not been returned in the book drop, damage costs are usually waived.
    For new materials, the charges for replacement of damaged cases and boxes shall be as follows:

    $1.00 CD jewel case
    $1.00 DVD/Blu-Ray box
    $2.00 1 &2 CD box
    $3.00 3&4 CD box
    $4.00 5 to 8 CD box
    $5.00 9 to 12 CD box

    6. Print leaflets or booklets, which accompany media materials, are essential parts of the whole and their loss or damage inhibits future circulation to the point that the item must be replaced in total by the Library. As the borrower is responsible for returning all library materials in good condition, loss of these parts shall require payment for the unit price of the item. All other Lost and Paid Policies shall apply.

    7. The library will reimburse borrowers for a “lost and paid” item if it is found and returned to the library within thirty (30) days of date paid. There will be no reimbursement of overdue fines. In
    the event, the Franklin Lakes Library has reimbursed another library for a lost item four (4) months after due date, which was borrowed by a Franklin Lakes cardholder, the borrower is totally responsible for all lost items charges and overdue fines (if any), even if the book is found.

    Revised: 7/11/88, 4/13/92, 2/14/94, 1/9/95, 5/16/07, 7/20/15, 10/17/18

    F. Overdue Notification

    Encouraging prompt return of library materials is an important factor in keeping materials available to the entire community.
    Notification of delinquency should be prompt, courteous and effective.

    1. First notices, generated by BCCLS, shall be sent out via U.S. mail or email within three (3) weeks after due date.

    2. Second notices shall be sent out within five (5) weeks after due

    3. The third notice is a bill for the item and shall be sent out within
    three (3) months after due date.

    4. Court action notices shall be sent out by certified mail, return receipt requested, four (4) to six (6) months after due date. These notices shall contain a copy of Borough Ordinance 80:1-4, “Detention of Library Property”. (SEE ADDENDA)

    5. Court action shall take place as soon as possible after court action notices.

    Approved: 7/10/84
    Revised: 5/16/07

    G. Reserves

    Reserving library materials is a specialized service that the library
    provides at the request of a user. “Reserve” designates that an item will be set-aside for an individual when it becomes available. Borrowers requesting this specialized service must be cardholders in “good standing”, i.e. no overdue books or outstanding fines.

    1. Reserves may be placed on items that are presently on loan to another user, or on order. It also includes those materials that the library obtains from another library specifically for use by that individual. (See H: Interlibrary Loan)

    2. The individual will be notified when the material becomes available. The requested item will be set-aside for two (2) days from date of notification. User must pick up material within this period; otherwise, it will be passed on to the next person or returned to the shelves.

    3. High demand DVDs/Blu-Rays and Book Express titles may not be reserved, held, or sent to other libraries for borrowing.

    Approved: 3/12/84
    Revised: 2/14/94, 12/11/95, 5/16/07

    H. Special Services

    1. Interlibrary Loan Requests By special request, the library will try to locate materials not available within the BCCLS system for resident cardholders in good standing, in accordance with guidelines for interlibrary loan adopted by the American Library Association and/or the New Jersey State Network. While this service is Officially a library-to-library transaction, the individual Franklin Lakes borrower assumes the responsibility for the material while it is in his/her possession and agrees to all local circulation policy.

    In addition:

    a. No more then five (5) ILL requests per borrower, per day will be accepted.

    b. Any charges assessed by the lending library for delivery or photocopying will be paid by the requestor.

    c. Overdue charges will be assessed according to the same schedule as Franklin Lakes Library materials.

    d. No requests for renewalof items will be honored if item is already overdue.

    e. ILL materials that are not picked up by the requestor shall be returned to the lending library by the due date, and may not be requested again within a two (2) month period.

    2. Bookdrop

    The library provides bookdrops for the convenience of users, primarily after hours.

    Hotpots may not be returned in the Book Drop as they are fragile. They must be returned to the Circulation Desk and checked in. Patrons will be responsible for any damage to the item if it is returned via the Book

    3. Interlibrary Delivery

    All library materials will be sent to requesting libraries on behalf of their borrowers and returns accepted at other libraries, provided they are packaged and labeled properly. This is a year- round service, with the following exception:

    a. Book Express titles are non-requestable and will not be sent to other libraries.

    I. Miscellaneous

    1. Non-resident borrowers may borrow only one (1) high demand DVD/Blu-Ray per cardholder.

    Approved: 1/10/90

    Revised: 2/14/94, 10/9/95, 12/11/95, 4/14/97, 4/19/99, 5/16/07

    2. Patron Identification Numbers (PINs) will be available as an option for residents who wish to access their current borrowing status (“has-list” only) from Library or personal computers. These numbers selected by the borrower are four (4) digit numerals that enable a person to see and print a list of all items currently on their borrower’s card. Borrowers with PINs are expected to remember and keep their personal number in
    a safe place. The library will not maintain a cross-reference file of PIN numbers; once entered in the computer system these numbers are not retrievable

    Approved: 10/21/98
    Revised: 5/16/07


    Note A. Telephone Renewals and Reserves Service to individuals within the Library is given priority, and telephone requests for Circulation or Reference Services are accommodated as there is staffing and time available. The Library recognizes that use of the telephone for library services is very important to its clientele and attempts to give the best service possible to these patrons.

    Note B. Renewals
    For the convenience of the public, items may be renewed online (using a PIN number) or by telephone. The following conditions
    shall apply:

    1. At the time of the renewal request, the borrower must be in good standing; no outstanding fines or fees over $10.00. On some occasions, the process of renewing can generate less than $10.00 in fines; in this case the staff should complete all transactions requested by the borrower (overriding, if necessary), record the fines and inform the borrower that this action has been taken and requires their attention the next time they visit the Library.

    2. A limit of three (3) items per phone call (not per borrower's card) can be imposed by the staff, if, in their judgment, the level of business within the Library at the time of the patron’s call is too great to complete the renewal without sacrificing service to the borrowers in the Library.

    3. If it appears that the renewal request is complicated by multiple cardholders, or involves scanning a long list of patron holdings, staff may recall the borrower when there is sufficient time to complete the transaction without interruption or staff may suggest that the borrower call back at a later time.

    4. In the case of a renewal request for an item which is already at maximum renewals, telephone or online renewal will be denied and the borrower should be instructed to return the material promptly. If it appears that there are extenuating circumstances, the matter should be referred to the Circulation Manager or the Library Director.

    5. In accordance to the rules specified by BCCLS, a library may not override the loan policy of another library. If the renewal limit of the owning library is reached, it is the patron’s responsibility to promptly return the items. If an override is necessary, staff must ask the borrower to deal directly with the owning library and relay that library's telephone number.

    Note C. Reserves and Requests

    *Reserves are handled by the Circulation staff.

    *Requests for purchase are referred to the appropriate department and selector for consideration.

    *There is a limit of three (3) reserves/requests per patron per call per day. A caller may not hang up and recall the Library in order to bypass this limitation. Callers are expected to provide their library barcode number so that the reserve/request may be placed electronically during the time of the call.

    Approved: 5/18/98
    Revised: 5/16/07

    Audiobooks Circulation Policy

    BORROWING: Available for loan to anyone with a valid library card from a BCCLS member library or a member of Open Borrowing.

    LOAN PERIOD: 28 days

    RENEWALS: Up to three (3) renewals if there are no reserves

    RESERVES: Permitted for BCCLS cardholders

    LIMITS: None

    OVERDUE CHARGES: $.10 per day, per title, to a maximum of $10

    RETURNS & BOOKDROP: Shipment via the Library’s delivery system is permitted.

    The Library prefers to receive returned Audiobooks inside the
    Library at the Circulation Desk. However, audiobooks may be
    deposited in the media bookdrop. Overdue charges begin at
    Library closing time.


    Borrowers are expected to present their own library cards. Parents may present (use) the cards of children in their charge (they have signed parental responsibility on the child’s application form).


    *lf lost or the item has sustained obvious damage, the
    replacement cost will be the actual list price.

    *Overdue charges, if any, will be added to the amount due.

    *Borrowers have the option to purchase the exact same item in exchange for the lost or damaged one, but it must be IDENTICAL to the-item lost, and be presented-as a new item in the original shrink-wrap.

    *There will be a charge of $1.00 for any lost or non-returned
    circulation case.

    *Malfunctions must be reported to the Library staff.

    *Physical damages are the responsibility of the borrower.

    The Board of Trustees determines all lending policy on Library materials. Approved: 3/20/00 Revised: 4/18/07


    BORROWING: Available for loan to anyone with a valid card from a BCCLS member library. Walk-in selection only.

    LOAN PERIOD: 14 days

    RENEWALS: No renewals

    RESERVES: No reserves

    LIMITS: None

    OVERDUE CHARGES: $.10 per day, per title to a maximum of $5

    RETURNS & BOOKDROP: Shipment via the Library's delivery system is not permitted.


    Borrowers are expected to present their own library cards. Parents may present(use) the cards of children in their charge (they have signed parental responsibility on the child’s application form).

    *If lost or the item has sustained obvious damage, the replacement cost will be the actual list price.

    *Borrowers have the option to purchase the exact same item in exchange for the lost or damaged one, but it must be IDENTICAL to the item lost.

    *Physical damages are the responsibility of the borrower. The

    Library Board of Trustees determines all lending policy on materials.


    BORROWING: Available for loan to anyone with a valid card from a BCCLS member library or a member of Open Borrowing.

    LOAN PERIOD: 14 days

    RENEWALS: Up to three (3) renewals if there are no reserves

    RESERVES: Permitted for BCCLS cardholders

    LIMITS: None

    OVERDUE CHARGES: $.10 per day, per title, to maximum of $10.00.

    RETURNS & BOOKDROP: Shipment via the Library’s delivery system is permitted. The Library prefers to receive returned CDs inside the Library at the Circulation Desk. However, CDs may be deposited in the media bookdrop. Overdue charges begin at Library closing time.


    *If lost or the item has sustained obvious damage, the replacement cost will be the actual list price.

    *Loss of literature leaflets which accompany the CD will be
    assessed at the replacement price.

    *Overdue charges, if any, will be added to the amount due.

    *Borrowers have the option to purchase the exact same item
    in exchange for the lost or damaged one, but it must be
    IDENTICAL to the item lost, and be presented as a new item in the original shrink-wrap.

    *There will be a charge of $1.00 for any lost or non-returned
    circulation case.

    *Malfunctions must be reported to the Library staff.

    *Physical damages are the responsibility of the borrower.

    The Board of Trustees determines all lending policy on Library materials.

    Approved: 1/11/88
    Revised: 11/92, 1/9/95, 4/19/99, 5/16/05, 5/16/07


    BORROWING: Older DVDs and Blu-Rays are available for loan to anyone with a valid library card from a BCCLS member library with no restrictions.

    Only three (3) NEW DVDs may be borrowed by Franklin Lakes cardholders; out-of-town borrowers may only borrow one (1). NEW Blu-Ray DVDs are limited to three (3) per borrower for Franklin Lakes residents and one (1) per borrower for out-of-town residents.

    LOAN PERIOD: 3 DAYS (New/High Demand) or 14 DAYS (Older)

    RENEWALS: Not permitted for new DVDs or Blu-Rays. 14 Day DVDs and Blu-Rays may be renewed for two (2) additional circulation periods if there are no reserves.

    RESERVES: High demand DVDs and Blu-Rays are available for reservation by Franklin Lakes residents only (local holds). Older DVDs and Blu-Rays may be reserved by anyone with a valid BCCLS library card.

    If a new DVD or Blu-Ray is available on the shelf, a patron may ask a staff member to hold it. The item will be checked out immediately and will be available for a three day loan period only. Loan periods for high demand DVDs and Blu-Rays may not be extended.

    LIMITS: New DVDs and Blu-Rays are limited to three (3) per borrower for FRLK residents and one (1) per borrower for out-of-town borrowers.

    OVERDUE CHARGES: $1.00 per day, per DVD title, with a maximum of $10 fornew DVDs and Blu-Rays.

    $.10 per day per title for older DVDs and Blu-Rays.
    RETURNS & BOOKDROP: Shipment via the Library's delivery system is permitted.

    The Library prefers to receive returned DVDs and Blu-Rays inside the Library at the Circulation Desk. However, DVDs and Blu-Rays may be deposited in the media bookdrop. Overdue charges begin at Library closing time.

    BORROWER IDENTIFICATION: Borrowers are expected to present their own library cards. Parents may present (use) the cards of children in their charge (if they have signed parental responsibility on the child’s application form).


    *If lost or the item has sustained obvious damage, the
    replacement cost will be the actual list price.

    *Overdue charges, if any, will be added to the amount due.

    *Borrowers have the option to purchase the exact same item
    in exchange for the lost or damaged one, but it must be IDENTICAL to the item lost, and be presented as a new itemin the original shrink-wrap.

    *There will be a charge of $1.00 for any lost or non-returned
    circulation case.

    *Malfunctions must be reported to the Library staff.

    *Physical damages are the responsibility of the borrower.

    The Board of Trustees determines all lending policy on Library materials.

    Approved: 3/20/00
    Revised: 5/16/05, 5/16/07, 10/20/08, 7/20/09, 3/18/13, 12/17/14, 9/19/16, 10/17/18


    Eligibility: The person borrowing a Hotspot must be a Franklin Lakes resident, 18 years or older, with a valid Franklin Lakes Public Library card in good standing.

    Availability: Hotspots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Only one (1) Hotspot may be borrowed by a household at a time.

    Loan Period: Hotspots are checked out for a two (2) week period. Renewals are not permitted. In the event of an emergency where the Library is without LAN and/or wireless Internet, the Library reserves the right to recall Hotspots in order to provide wireless service at the Library for public use.

    Returns: Hotspots MAY NOT be returned in the Book Drop as they are fragile. They must be returned to a staff member at the Library’s Circulation Desk and checked in. Patrons will be responsible for any damage to the item if it is returned via the book drop.

    Late Fines: There will be a $20.00 per day charge if the Hotspot is returned late. Any Hotspot not returned after 30 days will be assumed lost and charged the full replacement cost of $100.

    Lost or damaged hotspot: The charge for a lost hotspot is $100. The charge for a damaged hotspot will be determined by the Library Director. A lost or damaged cord, bag, or charger will be charged at the current market replacement cost.

    Internet Use: The Franklin Lakes Public Library is not responsible for information accessed using this device or for personal information shared over the Internet. The following behaviors can result in the suspension of Hotspot privileges and/or criminal prosecution:

    *Viewing, displaying or disseminating materials that are judged in accordance with current legal definitions as being obscene;

    *Engaging in any form of harassment;

    *Disseminating computer viruses, malware, or spyware;

    *Tampering with the equipment in any way; or

    *Using the Internet in any way which violates federal, state, or municipal laws.

    The Borrower agrees that the Hot Spot is the property of the FLPL and agrees to conform to all the rules and regulations related to the use and handling of the device and protect the device from damage and misuse.



    As a participant in the library’s laptop checkout program, | agree to abide by the following policies and procedures:

    *All users must present a valid FRLK library card with no excessive fines or long-overdue material on their account in order to check out a laptop. A driver’s license or photo ID must also be presented and will be held until the laptop is returned.

    *Laptops are available for checkout for use within the Franklin Lakes Public Library. They may not be removed from the Library.

    *For borrowers under 18, this agreement must be co-signed by a parent or a legal guardian.

    *The use of laptops is restricted to individual use except for usage within a designated study room. Headphone adapters will be required to utilize speakers within public areas.

    *Laptops are available for checkout in the library on a first come, first served basis for a loan period of one (1) hour with one (1) sixty minute renewal period.

    *Renewals must be conducted in-person at the Circulation Desk with the laptop in hand and will depend on availability, and/or the absence of others waiting to sign out the equipment. Holds or advance bookings are not available.

    *All laptops must be returned to the Circulation Desk staff no later than one half hour prior to closing even if that means the loan period is less than the standard one (1) hour loan period. Any laptop not returned by closing time will be considered “lost” and an overdue fine of $10 per hour with a maximum fine of $1,000 will be assessed.

    *Patrons assume total responsibility for the safety and proper usage of this computer while it is checked out to them. They are responsible for any damage that results from theft, misuse or neglect and must not leave the laptop unattended or consume food or drink in its immediate vicinity. Any laptop equipment malfunctions should be reported immediately to library staff. Replacement fees will be charged at current cost.

    *Downloading any programs or files onto the hard drive of the laptop or changing the system configuration in any way is not permitted. Documents should be saved to a data storage devise compatible with the computers (i.e. a USB key, CD, or floppy disk). The Library will not assume responsibility for lost files due to viruses, hardware failure, network interruptions or any other cause while the patron is using this equipment. All user files will be deleted when the laptop is turned off.

    *The laptops are unable to connect to the Library’s printers at this time. Printing can be done at one of the.BCCLS or Cablevision PC stations if work is saved on a storage data devise or by utilizing an email system.

    *All laptops must be returned in-person to the Circulation Desk staff. Userswill be required to wait while the.computer is checked to ensure all equipment is intact.

    *Any loss or damage of laptops must be reported immediately to a staff member at the Circulation Desk or-a Reference Desk. Users should not attempt to troubleshoot problems with the laptop.


    PC workstations are available for public use. Your library card gives you access to the following services available on library computers:

    *Internet access
    *Word processing
    *Spreadsheet and presentation software

    Computer FAQs:

    How do I sign up to use a library PC? Can I reserve one in advance?
    PC use is on a first-come, first-serve basis. No advance reservations are accepted. The Library uses an automated system to manage the PC waiting list. Please check with Reference staff to find out how to add your name to the waiting list and how you will be notified when a PC is available.

    Do I have to have a library card to use the PCs?
    You must use your own library card to access a PC and provide the Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the account. No more than 2 people can be present for a PC session.

    What if I forget to bring my library card?
    lf you are a Franklin Lakes resident, please check with the Circulation staff on the first floor to look up your barcode number. If you are not a cardholder, please check with the Reference Desk staff to obtain a guest pass. Guest passes require presentation of ID.

    How long can I use a library PC?
    As a FRLK cardholder, your PC session will last 1 hour. You will be offered an opportunity to extend your session beyond the first hour if PCs are not in heavy demand. Out-of-town cardholders and guests may use a PC for one session per day up to a maximum of 60 minutes.

    How will I know when my time is up?
    You will receive a warning message when your computer time is ending. Please finish your work promptly, as you will be logged off automatically when your session time expires.

    Can I print?
    There is a $0.10 (ten cents) per page cost to print. You must pay for all pages that you print; so please check the number of pages in advance.

    Can I download files?
    You can download files to your own disk or other compatible storage device. Many library computers now have accessible USB ports that accommodate flash memory drives.

    Is staff available to help me on the computer?
    Library staff cannot provide one-on-one instruction in the use of software or other PC applications, but can often suggest appropriate programs or resources. We do offer
    periodic training classes in PC skills and use of online resources.

    Can children use the Internet at the library?
    Internet access is available for use by children. The library strongly encourages parents to monitor their children’s use of the Internet to insure that it is consistent with their family values and boundaries. Computers are available for usage in the Children’s Department.

    Can I check my e-mail from a library computer?
    You may use library PCs to check your e-mail account.

    What kind of research can I do from library PCs?
    As a cardholder, you can use online Reference Databases that contain valuable information and resources not freely available on the Internet. For example you can find:

    *Full-text newspaper and magazine articles

    *Up-to-date health and consumer information

    *Financial and company data and business directories

    *Practice tests for academic and licensing exams

    Can I access these resources from home or my office?
    You can access BCCLS databases from your home or office PC. You will need your library card and PIN. Certain databases located on the library’s homepage are available for Franklin Lakes residents only.

    Violation of any of these policies will result in the loss of computer privileges.

    *You may not reconfigure software on library computers or load your own software. Library computer equipment and furniture must not be moved or adjusted.

    *You must obey copyright restrictions applicable to PC use and will be held responsible for any damage caused by neglect or intentional abuse of library PCs.

    *The library assumes no responsibility for any failure of machinery or software or for power outages and any subsequent loss or damage to your work.

    *The Library’s Internet resources may be used for educational, informational and recreational purposes ONLY.

    *NO GAME PLAYING IS PERMITTED in the Technology Area on the second floor.

    *Blogs, chat rooms, “My Space” (or similar domains) AND instant messaging are not permitted.

    *The Library’s Internet resources MAY NOT be used to conduct a business or commercial enterprise, or engage in commercial activity such as the distribution of advertising.

    *Computer set ups and software data MAY NOT be altered in any way, even for temporary use.

    *The deliberate propagation of computer worms and viruses, the transmission or use of threatening, harassing or abusive language or images will not be tolerated.

    The Internet must be shared and used in a manner which respects the rights of others and refrains from activity that prevents others from using it.

    Approved: June 21, 2010, Revised 1/24/11


    Borough Ordinance 80.1-4, 'Detention of Library Property'.pdf

    BCCLS POLICY Unit Replacement Cost.pdf

    Hotspot user agreement.pdf

    Laptop Borrowing Agreement.pdf

    Click here to download this policy document as a PDF

  • Within the Library building the use of the collection of the Franklin Lakes Public Library is free to all. Borrowing privileges are extended under the following conditions:

    A Franklin Lakes Public Library borrower's card is free to all residents of Franklin Lakes. The signed application form is a contract of the borrower's responsibility to abide by library policy and procedures. The term of the borrower's card is three (3) years, and is renewable upon receipt of proper identification.

    1. An adult card is issued to persons who are eighteen (18) years of age or older. Identification, with proof of residency, is required.

    2. A juvenile card is issued to anyone under eighteen (18) years of age. The application form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Proof of residency is required.

    3. Post office boxes or commercial box numbers are recorded for mailing purposes only. A secondary form of identification, which includes a verifiable local street address, must be provided to establish proof of residency.

    Proof of residency must be established using the following: A current New Jersey Driver's License or Non-Driver's State ID is preferred. Other forms of acceptable identification are any two of the following showing name and Franklin Lakes street address:
    Bank statement, mortgage, lease or deed; pay stub or tax bill; or correspondence sent within the last 30 days by a government entity. In the case of a live-in nanny/au pair or housekeeper etc., a letter from the employer, who is a registered card holder, is also required.

    Revised: 1/21/97; 5/16/07; 3/19/14

    Any person with a valid borrower's card from a library which has a reciprocal borrowing agreement with the Franklin Lakes Public Library may borrow material(s), subject to the terms of the borrowing agreement.

    1. Any person who is employed in the Borough of Franklin Lakes, who attends school or who pays taxes in the community is eligible for a free courtesy borrower's card. This card is issued for a term of one (1) year, and is renewable if the eligibility is still valid. Proof of employment, enrollment or tax payment is required. Courtesy card holders are permitted to borrow materials from the Franklin Lakes Public Library only.

    2. If a patron owns property in one BCCLS town and lives in another BCCLS town, the patron is entitled to a card in each town, although the patron should be encouraged to only have one card.

    3. Any individual who does not meet any of the above requirements may purchase a borrower's card from the Franklin Lakes Public Library. Use of this card is valid in the Franklin Lakes Public Library only. The annual fee shall be set by the Board of Trustees. Effective May 16, 2011, the annual charge shall be $450.00 for a one year family membership.

    4. Staff members who reside in a BCCLS town other than the town in which the staff member is employed must be issued a card by the library in which the staff member resides. All staff must use their own cards when borrowing material(s) in the BCCLS system. A Franklin Lakes card will be issued only to non-BCCLS library personnel.

    5. BCCLS libraries are authorized to renew all library cards except pay and courtesy cards which must be renewed annually at the issuing library.

    Revised: 5/9/95; 2/16/00; 5/16/07; 5/16/11; 3/19/14

    Local government agencies and schools are eligible for an institutional borrower's card. A BCCLS Memo of Agreement form (SEE ADDENDA) must be signed by the institution's financial officer.

    Approved: 3/9/81
    Revised: 1/6/84; 4/8/85; 12/12/94; 5/16/07; 3/19/14

    If a borrower does not comply with the circulation rules and regulations, borrowing privileges may be suspended. Privileges will be suspended when fines and/or lost material charges exceed amounts outlined in the "Delinquency" section of the BCCLS Policies and Procedures Manual, Section IV, page 1.

    Approved: 3/9/81
    Revised: 1/6/84; 4/8/85; 12/12/94; 5/16/07

    F. Notwithstanding the above, the Board of Trustees of the Franklin Lakes Public Library at its sole discretion has the right to issue a library card and revoke, deny or suspend borrowing privileges.
    Borough Ordinance No. 893, Section 3-8 of the 1988 Code, Chapter 306

    Approved: 3/19/14

    Borrowing privileges will be continued for a period of four (4) weeks when there is a matter of dispute between the library and a patron. Possible instances include a claim that an item has been returned, a fine previously paid, or an item was damaged prior to borrowing.

    To have this matter adjudicated by the Director of the Library, borrowers shall be required to present a written statement within two (2) weeks of the time it is first acknowledged that there is a dispute in progress. The REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION FORM (SEE ADDENDA) is to be used for this statement.

    The Library Director and Circulation Manager shall investigate the claim and will issue a response to the borrower within two (2) weeks. This response may be in writing or by telephone.

    A decision in favor of the borrower will be noted on his/her library card and all fines/fees will be cleared accordingly. Established circulation policy and procedures shall apply if the decision is to maintain the library's position on the matter. This will usually mean that the borrowing privileges of the cardholder will be suspended until all fines/fees are paid to the library.

    Approved: 9/16/96 Revised: 5/16/07

    1. Lost, stolen or damaged borrower's cards will be replaced at the patron's expense for a fee of $3.00. Proper identification must be presented.

    2. If a patron's card becomes worn due to normal wear and tear, the card will be replaced at no expense to the borrower.

    3. There is no charge to change a juvenile card to an adult card, unless the juvenile card has been lost.

    The library card is the official identification of a valid borrower. Residents who do not present their card for borrowing material(s) shall be permitted to charge out one (1) item only. Proof of identification shall be required.

    Libraries MAY NOT circulate materials to OUT-OF-TOWN patrons who fail to present a valid library cards issued by a BCCLS library or a participating Open Borrowing library.

    Approved: 3/9/81
    Revised: 2/6/84; 4/8/85; 12/12/94; 5/16/07

    A card which is inactive for three (3) or more years will be withdrawn.
    Once withdrawn, the card cannot be reinstated. The Library will issue the former borrower a new card (i.e.: no fee) once residency is reconfirmed and a new borrower's card application is completed.

    Approved: 9/16/96 Revised: 5/16/07

    A. Acceptable forms of identification for proof of residency:

    Valid New Jersey Driver's License
    Valid Car Registration
    Current utility bill showing address
    Current tax bill
    Credit card with address and current expiration date
    Rental contract or closing papers showing address

    A "live-in" housekeeper, nanny or au pair, is considered a resident, and may be issued a borrower's card if proper resident identification is presented. If this is not available, the individual may present a letter from his/her employer, certifying the terms of the employment (if known) and the address. It is preferred that the resident be a valid cardholder, who should be asked to notify the Library when the individual leaves the household.

    For a temporary resident, i.e. someone who plans to reside in the community for a few months and who (obviously) does not have resident information, follow this practice:

    A letter from a resident cardholder in good standing will be accepted as identification, provided the cardholder will "vouch" for the person, and will be responsible for any outstanding material(s), fees or fines owed when the person leaves the community. A card will then be presented to the borrower for their term of the residency or for one (1) year, whichever applies.

    B. This applies to all libraries in BCCLS, certain non-Bergen contract libraries within the BCCLS system and all Open Borrowing contract libraries.

    C. This policy is not new, but the practices associated with it have changed.

    If the individual resides in another BCCLS community or reside in a community which participates in Open Borrowing, they are expected to utilize their resident card for borrowing materials from the Franklin Lakes Public Library and/or other libraries within the system. For borrowing certain materials in the Franklin Lakes Public Library, or for interlibrary loan services, reserves and article delivery, they are entitled to a courtesy card, i.e. Franklin Lakes Library only, which is issued for a period of one (1) year and is retained by the Library.

    If an individual does not reside in a BCCLS community, the card is issued for a period of one (1) year, and it may be used for any service provided by this Library only. The card is retained by the Library.

    Non-resident cardholders must renew their cards annually, and present current employer, taxpayer, or school enrollment identification.

    D. Local schools and Municipality:

    If it is approved by the Superintendent of Schools or, in the case of a private institution, by the school principal, local schools may have a library card established in their name in the BCCLS system. This card is retained by the library in the community where the school is located. In general, use of this card is at the discretion of the School Media Specialist, who must notify the library if authorization to use the card is delegated to any other individual, such as a teacher or administrator. The school is therefore the responsible party, and must sign an agreement to this effect (see "Memo of Agreement" in Addenda)

    Bulk loans to schools are not a function of the Franklin Lakes Public Library or BCCLS, but are a Highlands Regional Library Cooperative (HRLC) service. Policies and procedures for bulk loans are located in the HRLC manual. A copy is also summarized in the BCCLS manual.

    Similarly, a municipal employee on official business may use a special card designed for the municipality. No special agreement is involved.

    The Manager of Circulation Services has the responsibility/authority to establish these special library cards, in consultation with the Library Director, if necessary.

    E. "No card, one item" policy for Franklin Lakes residents:

    This policy has been in effect since 1989. It is intended to provide some leniency with resident patrons, and yet continue to reinforce the importance of the library card as a piece of identification. We recognize that there are some true emergency situations, and we do not wish to appear too punitive and unyielding. However, patrons who fail to present their card will be asked to purchase a replacement card. Notes may be placed on the computerized borrower's record to document the frequency with which this no card situation occurs.

    *Residents who are unable to present their library card are permitted to borrow one (1) item, provided suitable identification can be produced.

    *Non-residents are required to present their borrower's card at all times, in accordance with the policies of all BCCLS libraries.

    *The "no card, one item" policy applies to any item: 1 DVD, 1 CD, etc. Patrons must show identification, or, if known personally by the staff, to verify address and phone number.

    *This is a resident privilege only.

    Revised: 5/16/07








  • If a child under the age of eight (8) is in the Library without a parent or caregiver, Library staff on duty will:

    1. Attempt to comfort the child, in necessary.

    2. Locate the parent or caregiver in the Library, explain the Child Safety Policy, and provide a copy of the policy to the parent.

    3. Make reasonable efforts to contact the parent or caregiver who is not in the Library to come and pick up the child.

    4. Inform the Director or Librarian-in-Charge.

    5. Contact the Franklin Lakes Police to pick up the child if the parent or caregiver cannot be located after an appropriate time.

    All children must be picked up no later than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the closing of the library. If an unattended child of any age is in the Library within thirty (30) minutes of closing time Library staff will:

    1.Contact the child’s parent or guardian and/or ask the child to do so. If a parent or caregiver cannot be reached or does not arrive within fifteen (15) minutes following closing, Library staff will then escort the child to the Police station.

    2. The child will be turned over to the care of the Police.

    3. The staff member will return and leave a note on the Library door stating “Unattended child is in the custody of the Franklin Lakes Police” once the child has been escorted to the station.

    4. Library staff will walk the child to the Police station. Staff members are not permitted to transport any child from the Library to another location in any other fashion.

    If an unattended child of apparent school age is in the Library during school hours, the Library staff will call the appropriate school and will inform the child that the school will be notified of his or her presence at the Library during school hours.

    Each incident in which a child has been asked to leave the Library or in which an unattended child has been present after closing will be reported in writing to the Director.

    Approved: 3/21/11




  • The Franklin Lakes Public Library welcomes children to use its facilities and services. This policy is intended to inform the public and to guide the Library staff when confronted by children who are misbehaving or who are unattended. The Library recognizes that such circumstances may result from widely varying factors and conditions, and this policy does not take the place of the exercise of sound judgment in addressing particular circumstances. In circumstances addressed by this policy, the Library staff will follow the guidance provided herein and will exercise sound judgment considering all relevant facts. Library staff will not physically prevent a child from leaving the Library or assume responsibility for a child.

    The responsibility for the care, safety and behavior of children using the Library rests with the parent/guardian or caregiver. As with any patron, a child’s behavior is unacceptable if it disrupts any patron’s normal use of the Library or interferes with the staff in performance of their duties. The Library does not function as a child care facility and cannot assume any responsibility or liability for children using the facility for any purpose.

    Children through age seven (7) must have a parent or caregiver present in the library. Children eight (8) through twelve (12) may use the library unattended for an amount of time appropriate to their age and maturity provided that the Library staffer on duty has been informed of how to contact the child’s parent or caregiver. An “Unattended Child Policy” must be signed by any parent leaving children unattended.

    Library staff members on duty who observe unacceptable behavior will inform the child and the parent or caregiver, if present, of this policy. If inappropriate behavior continues, the Library staff will attempt to contact the parent(s) and request that the child be picked up immediately. If the child is unaccompanied by a parent or caregiver, the staff will follow the policy for unattended children.

    In the event that the parent/caregiver is present, the staff member will notify them of the child’s unacceptable behavior and refer to them to the Policy on Disruptive or Violent Behavior. If the behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be told to leave the library property. If the individual refuses to comply, the staff member will notify the police. An incident report will be submitted to the library director in the event of any violation of policy.

    Approved May 15, 2023


  • Children of any age are welcome to use the Franklin Lakes Public Library. We ask that anyone using this library follow the rules of conduct so that we can provide a clean, pleasant and safe environment for everyone.

    Listed below are the rules we expect you to follow to use the Children’s and Teen areas. We ask that you and your parent read this summary of the library's rules so that you know what we expect of you. Please return a signed copy to acknowledge that you have read and understand these guidelines.

    An easy way of remembering these rules is to...

    respect yourself, respect others, respect the materials, and respect the space.

    *All children must have a signed Unattended Child Policy on file with the library in order to remain in the library without an adult.

    *All library users are expected to be polite and respectful. We expect you to talk softly, avoid noisy disturbances, not to run, and to refrain from going in and out of the library repeatedly.

    *Profane, obscene, threatening language or gestures is unacceptable.

    *Food brought from home may be eaten in the Café Area. Food cannot be ordered for delivery. Everyone is expected to clean up after him/herself.

    *All audio equipment requires the use of headphones. Volumes must be kept at levels for personal use only.

    *You may not loiter or play in the library's lobby, in front of the library building, in the parking lot, or in the garden areas. The police will be called if anyone is in a dangerous area.

    *Tampering with the computers or software is prohibited.

    *Appropriate clothing and footwear are required and must be worn at all times.

    *These guidelines apply to children and teens in all areas of the library.

    Acceptable behavior is expected at all times. Should you choose not to follow these rules a staff member will warn you that your behavior is not acceptable.

    If there is no change in your behavior the staff may call your parents and ask you to leave the library for a set period of time.


    Approved: 3/21/11

  • The Franklin Lakes Public Library, as part of its mission to provide access to educational and informational resources in a wide range of formats, has public Internet workstations available in the Adult, Young Adult and Children’s sections of the library.

    PC workstations are available for public use. Your library card gives you access to the following services available on library computers:
    • Internet access
    • Word processing
    • Spreadsheet and presentation software

    Consistent with our mission and with professional principles of public librarianship, this Internet Use Policy affirms the safeguarding of First Amendment rights, intellectual freedom, equality of access, confidentiality of information about users and their use of all library resources.

    • Public Internet computers are principally for Franklin Lakes residents with a valid Franklin Lakes Public Library card.

    • Courtesy use of computers is extended to valid cardholders from other BCCLS member libraries, but session time may be limited if Franklin Lakes cardholders are waiting.

    • Guest passes may be issued for visitors without BCCLS library cards with presentation of a valid form of ID.

    • The Library has 16 available workstations on the second floor and 3 children’s workstations available for patron use. All are equipped with the Windows 10 operating system and Microsoft Office 2010.

    • Patrons may use Library computers only upon presentation of their valid library card. A patron is not eligible to use a library computer utilizing someone else's library card. Guest passes are available for patrons without BCCLS library cards and will be dispensed at the discretion of the Reference staff. If all the workstations are full, patrons must request to be placed on a waiting list at the Reference Desk.

    Usage of Library computers is limited as follows:
    Adult and YA Franklin Lakes residents and BCCLS cardholders –
    120 minutes per day.

    Adult and YA Guess Pass users – one 60 minute session per day


    The New Jersey Library Association affirms the right of all users to have unrestricted access to the Internet and acknowledges the right of parents to determine the level of Internet access for their minor children. Parents or caregivers of minor children are expected to supervise their child's Internet sessions. Internet computers in the Children’s Room are solely for use of children up to and including Grade 5. Children under age eight (8) should be accompanied by a parent or caregiver throughout the Library. Parents or guardians are solely responsible for what their children access via the Internet. No filtering software has been installed on any Library computers or on the wireless network. Parents are cautioned that unsupervised children may see things that the parent finds objectionable. Children should be accompanied by a parent or caregiver or should be provided with parental guidelines for Internet use. The Library staff cannot be responsible for determining what is acceptable for children, but may intervene if a child violates general policies or procedures. Children in Grades 6 through Grade 12 may use the Internet computers in the Adult or Teen Departments, with the understanding that Library employees do not assume the role of a parent or caregiver in determining what is and is not acceptable to view. Again, staff may intervene if a child violates general policies or procedures.


    The Library allows the general public access to e-mail (electronic mail) through the use of the Library's computer equipment and Internet connection. The Library does not endorse or promote any e-mail provider. Staff will make reasonable efforts to answer e-mail related questions, but cannot be expected to be knowledgeable about the variety of systems and accounts available. The Library is not responsible for providing users with e-mail accounts or assisting users with personal accounts. The Library has no control over the content of messages a user receives. Any illegal e-mail activity may be reported to the appropriate authorities in accordance with the computer use policy. All policies governing acceptable use of Internet sites shall apply to e-mail. Because Internet sites are often part of e-mail messages, users may access those sites, provided they comply with the general Internet use policy established by the Library. Parents of minors shall be responsible for their child's activities and e-mail access.

    A wide variety of subscription and research databases, including those with full-text of magazine and newspaper articles, are available for public use free of charge. Library staff will do their best to guide users to the most useful sites or databases, but cannot guarantee that requested information is available or can be accessed without cost to the user. Some databases are available for remote use outside of the Library to users with a valid borrower’s card. As with all information on the Internet, the Library cannot guarantee accuracyof information of subscription databases or research sites accessed remotely.

    Internet computers are located in public places shared by people of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities. Users are asked to keep this in mind when accessing potentially controversial material which could be offensive, disturbing, unsuited to a public setting and/or illegal. Library staff may end an Internet session when such materials display on the screen. The Library staff reserves the right to request that a user exit a website if another user expresses concern or if the staff member judges the material to be inappropriate for public viewing. Individuals who become argumentative or refuse to log-off when asked to do so by a Library employee, will have their session ended and may be asked to leave the building. Violators of the computer use policy may lose Library privileges. Illegal acts involving Library workstations may also be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.


    The Library cannot monitor or control information available on the Internet and is not responsible for its quality, accuracy or content. Users access the Internet and the information and services available on it at their own risk. The Library staff is not trained to offer more than basic computer assistance, but every effort will be made to assist an individual user in finding suitable information or appropriate Internet sites. Library staff will work to ensure that fair and reasonable access to the Internet is available to all users. However, the Library reserves the right for staff to terminate a session that is disruptive to Library service. All users are expected to use this resource in a responsible, courteous manner, and observe rules and procedures for Internet and computer use. The Library supports a user’s right to privacy within the limits of conducting activities in a public building and as permissible by law. Because Internet security can be technically difficult to achieve or guarantee, a user should be aware that electronic communications and files could become public. The Library will not be responsible for any personal information a user willingly posts or transmits. Users may bring their own laptop or other electronic equipment for use in the Library, with the understanding that they will follow the guidelines in this policy. The Library will not be responsible for damage or theft of personal equipment. Electric outlets are located in many areas, but will be used at an owners own risk.


    Patrons utilizing the Internet computers to play games, send emails, use social networking sites or chat rooms may be asked by the Library staff to end their session if another patron needs to conduct research and no other computers are available. The search for materials and information takes precedence over all other activities. Any problems with the computers should be immediately reported to a Library staff member. A user is not permitted, under any circumstances, to tamper with or modify the equipment or software. Any damage to hardware or software will be the liability of the user, and will be repaired at their expense. Two (2) persons may work together at a single computer station ONLY if it does not disturb those working at stations next to them. Users should respect the privacy of others and should not interfere with searches, nor should anyone attempt to gain access to passwords, data, or files belonging to others. Data, files, programs or other material may be temporarily downloaded and will be erased from the hard drive when a user exits the session. Users may transfer information to flash drives or e-mail information. Printing is currently available at a cost of 10 cents for every black and white page printed. Basic word processing software is available on each public desktop computer. Staff can offer a user general help with word processing, but cannot help compose personal documents or research papers. All computer use shall cease at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the closing of the Library. Scheduling software will automatically shut down computers. The Library does not maintain any record of individuals using the Internet, but may keep a record of users who violate the Internet Use Policy.

    The Library reserves the right to modify the policies as necessary to ensure the fair and reasonable use of the Internet.

    Printed with permission from the Glen Ridge Public Library

    How do I sign up to use a Library PC? Can I reserve one in advance?

    PC use is on a first-come, first-serve basis. No advance reservations are accepted. Please check with Reference staff if a PC is not available.

    Do I have to have a library card to use the PCs?

    You must use your own library card to access a PC and provide the Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the account. No more than 2 people may be present for a PC session.

    What if I forget to bring my library card?

    If you are a Franklin Lakes resident, please check with the Circulation staff on the first floor to look up your barcode number. If you are not a cardholder, please check with the Reference Desk staff to obtain a guest pass. Guest passes require presentation of ID.

    How long can I use a library PC?

    As a FRLK cardholder, your PC session will last 1 hour. You will be offered an opportunity to extend your session beyond the first hour if PCs are not in heavy demand. Out-of-town cardholders and guests may use a PC for one session per day up to a maximum of 60 minutes.

    How will I know when my time is up?
    You will receive a warning message when your computer time is ending. Please finish your work promptly, as you will be logged off automatically when your session time expires.

    Can I print?

    There is a $0.10 (ten cents) per page cost to print. You must pay for all pages that you print; so please check the number of pages in advance at the Print Release Station.

    Can I download files?

    You may download files to your own disk or other compatible storage device. Many library computers now have accessible USB ports that accommodate flash memory drives.

    Is staff available to help me on the computer?

    Library staff cannot provide one-on-one instruction in the use of software or other PC applications, but can often suggest appropriate programs or resources. We do offer periodic training classes in PC skills and use of online resources. Schedules for classes are available at the Reference Desk and throughout the building.

    Can children use the Internet at the library?
    Internet access is available for use by children in the Children’s Department. The library strongly advises parents to monitor their children’s use of the Internet to insure that it is consistent with their family values and boundaries.

    Can I check my e-mail from a library computer?
    You may use Library PCs to check your e-mail account.

    What kind of research can I do from library PCs?

    As a cardholder, you can use online Reference Databases that contain valuable information and resources not freely available on the Internet. For example you can find:
    • Full-text newspaper and magazine articles
    • Up-to-date health and consumer information
    • Financial and company data and business directories
    • Access to Ancestry.com to discover your family history

    Can I access these resources from home or my office?
    You can access BCCLS databases from your home or office PC. You will need your library card and PIN. Certain databases located on the library’s homepage are available for Franklin Lakes residents only. Violation of any of these policies will result in the loss of computer privileges.

    • You may not reconfigure software on library computers or load your own software. Library computer equipment and furniture must not be moved or adjusted.

    • You must obey copyright restrictions applicable to PC use and will be held responsible for any damage caused by neglect or intentional abuse of library PCs.

    • The library assumes no responsibility for any failure of machinery or software or for
    power outages and any subsequent loss or damage to your work.

    • The Library’s Internet resources may be used for educational, informational and
    recreational purposes ONLY.

    • Utilizing the Internet to play games, send emails, use social networking sites or chat rooms is permitted – but Library staff may request that you end your session if another person needs to conduct research and other computers are not available.

    • The Library’s Internet resources MAY NOT be used to conduct a business or commercial
    enterprise, or engage in commercial activity such as the distribution of advertising.

    • Computer set ups and software data MAY NOT be altered in any way, even for temporary use.

    • The deliberate propagation of computer worms and viruses, the transmission or use of threatening, harassing or abusive language or images will not be tolerated.

    The Internet must be shared and used in a manner which respects the rights of others and
    refrains from activity that prevents others from using it.

    Approved: June 21, 2010, Revised 1/24/11, 7/15/19


  • The mission of the Franklin Lakes Public Library is to provide access to resources to support the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural needs and interests of the community as a public service. The library is a community resource center and in fulfilling this role the Board of Trustees is pleased to provide meeting room space. The use of any meeting room is a privilege subject to the following provisions:

    A. The Rezvani Meeting Room, Local History Room or Group Study Room
    is for use by groups to hold meetings of a cultural, civic, or educational nature.
    1. Meetings may not be unlawful.
    2. Meeting rooms may not be used for social gatherings (such as
    showers, birthday parties, dances or piano recitals etc.) or for political campaigns, physical exercise or to transact any business.

    B. Franklin Lakes Public Library business supersedes use by any other group. Use is permitted with this understanding.

    C. Permission to meet in the Library does not constitute an endorsement by the Library of an individual's or group’s beliefs. Publicity for a meeting by a non-library group must not be worded in a manner that would imply library sponsorship of their group’s activities. The name, address or
    telephone number of the Library must not be used as the official address or headquarters of any non-library organization other than The Friends of the Franklin Lakes Public Library and the Franklin Lakes Public Library Foundation. The Library reserves the right to publicize any or all programs of community interest. This right does not obligate the Library to provide publicity for any particular program.

    D. Effective January 1, 2015 the Rezvani Meeting Room, Group Study Room or the Local History Room are available on a fee basis as defined below. All programs and meetings must be free and open to the public. Any fees must be identified on the application form at the time the application is made and announced to participants in advance. Sponsoring organizations may request donations of attendees. All activities must be concluded fifteen (15) minutes prior to library closing.

    The following fees are for periods of up to 3 hours. If any meeting room is needed for a longer period of time the fees are doubled. CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE FOR MEETING ROOMS.

    E. Application for use of a meeting room will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations are accepted up to three (3) months in advance. Every effort should be made to reserve a meeting room at least three days in advance. Library programs will receive priority over all other activities. Rooms are assigned in order of receipt of application. Cancellation should be made (as quickly as possible) immediately upon determination by the applicant. The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any meeting. A penalty fee of no less than half of any room rental fee will be charged for any cancellation made less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

    F. Kitchen facilities adjacent to the Rezvani Meeting Room and the Local History Room are available to those wishing to serve light refreshments. Use of the kitchen must be requested at the time of reservation. Light refreshments may be served and must remain in the
    room. A small refrigerator, microwave and coffee maker are available for use. Groups must furnish their own cups, plates, flatware, napkins, and other needed utensils. All refuse must be removed from the Library premises (a dumpster is available in the parking lot) and the room must be left in an orderly condition. Failure to comply will result in a penalty fee of $25 and the individual or organization shall be barred from further use of the room until the penalty fee is paid.

    G. In accordance with New Jersey law regarding smoking in public buildings, smoking is prohibited on Library premises. Serving of alcoholic beverages is subject to an approval process by the Board of Trustees at their regularly scheduled monthly meeting.

    H. Individuals signing the application form must ensure that the room is in
    order, the lights are turned off, and all doors are securely locked after
    the meeting has ended.

    I. Library equipment is subject to availability, with advanced reservations on a fee basis. Users should be prepared to provide equipment as needed. If library equipment is used (e.g. piano, TV/video projection equipment, microphones, overhead projector) a qualified person will be designated by the Library on a fee basis.

    Additional Fees:

    Microphone $10
    LCD Projector rental $25
    TV/DVD player $10
    Laptop Computer $25

    J. The Library supplies no set-up and clean-up services. Library staff is not available to set-up or break down the Rezvani Meeting Room for any function other than Franklin Lakes Public Library business. Both
    set-up and breakdown are the sole responsibility of the person or group requesting use of the room. Upon request, set-up and breakdown service for programs may be available for a fee of $25 for set-up and $25 for breakdown. All requests must be submitted in writing to the Library at least one week prior to the scheduled event.

    K. All seating and table configurations shall be the responsibility of the applicant. Upon completion of the event, the room must be restored by the applicant to the basic room configuration. All groups are
    responsible for leaving the facility in good condition, in which it is found. If these requirements are not met, further use may be denied. An authorized employee of the Library shall check the condition of the Rezvani Meeting Room, Group Study Room or Local History Room, and the condition of the premises with particular respect to any damage, shortage or incomplete breakdown. Any problems shall be
    noted in writing. The individual(s) or organization sponsoring the event shall make payment for any such damage or shortage, and they shall be barred from further use of any meeting room until such payment is made.

    L. Where children under the age of eighteen (18) are involved, the organization must provide adequate adult supervision in the ratio of not less than one (1) adult per ten (10) children. Young children accompanying adult users of the Rezvani Meeting Room, Group Study Room or the Local History Room shall not be left unattended in the Library. The Library’s existing policies on Unattended Children, Disruptive Behavior, and the Code of Behavior for Library Programs, applies to all meeting room usage.

    M. Any organization using the room(s) assumes responsibility for the conduct of the activity for which permission is sought to use the room and assumes any liability for personal property or other damage in or near said room during the period of use, without liability on the part of the Borough of Franklin Lakes or the Library Board of Trustees or the Library staff. A condition of approval of a use permit is that the applicant provides a certificate of insurance with liability coverage in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) listing the Library and the Borough as additional insureds. The certificate of insurance shall be presented to the Library Administration at least one (1) week prior to the day of the event. The Hold Harmless Agreement of the Borough of Franklin Lakes (SEE ADDENDA) — which indemnifies the Franklin Lakes Public Library, the Board of Trustees, the Borough of Franklin Lakes and all employees must be signed and returned with the Certificate of Insurance for approval. The Library is not liable for injuries to people or damages to or loss of property of groups and/or organizations using any meeting room.

    N. Attendance at meetings will be limited to the capacity of the individual room as listed below:

    Maximum capacity of the Rezvani Meeting Room is 125.
    Maximum capacity of the Local History Room is 14.
    Maximum capacity of the Group Study Room is 30.

    O. The Franklin Lakes Public Library is committed to compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request.

    P. In the event of an emergency closing, every effort will be made by the Library Administration to notify the contact person listed on the application. If there is an emergency closing the meeting must be cancelled.

    Q. Any question of interpretation will be referred to the Board of Trustees of the Library for final decision. The Board reserves the right to limit, control, and determine conditions of any and all uses of the Library Rezvani Meeting Room, Group Study Room or Local History Room by non-library organizations. The regulations may be changed at any time, subject to legal limitations.

    Effective Date: March 1, 1996

    Adopted 6/8/68

    Revised: 11/7/29, 2/26/96, 2/17/04, 7/17/06, 7/14/14, 7/20/15


    Complete Fee Schedule for Meeting Rooms.pdf

    Application for use of the Rezvani Meeting Room, Group Study Room.pdf

    Signature of Applicant for use of the Rezvani Meeting Room, Group Study Room.pdf

    Hold harmless agreement.pdf

    Meeting Room and Local History Room Checklists.pdf


  • Introduction

    The Franklin Lakes Public Library Technology Lab offers state-of-the- art equipment to facilitate the training of members of the public and library staff in a variety of popular computer software programs, Internet search engines and electronic databases. The Technology Lab is designed to offer equipment for hands on training experience for the end user. The Technology Lab supports the Library’s mission to enrich, enlighten, educate and empower.

    The Franklin Lakes Public Library Technology Lab is intended for educational use by members of the public and library staff, for workshops and computer skills classes for the general public,
    and for technology training with priority given to Franklin Lakes-based organizations and

    Availability & Priority of Use
    Priority for use of the Franklin Lakes Public Library Technology Lab is assigned in the following order:

    *First, Library sponsored technology training classes, programs and activities;

    *Second, technology-related programs sponsored by the Friends of the Franklin Lakes Public Library;

    *Third, technology-related programs or classes sponsored by the Franklin Lakes School District;

    *Fourth, technology-related programs or classes offered by the Borough of Franklin Lakes or other agencies or departments of local government;

    *Fifth, other technology-related training programs which are in keeping with the mission and facilities of the Library, sponsored by local community groups and organizations or corporate entities.


    Individual Training

    The Franklin Lakes Public Library Technology Lab is available for individual training during posted hours when the Library is open, provided that no training programs, classes or workshops are scheduled to conflict with individual patron use. All workstations in the Technology Lab are unfiltered; patrons accessing the Internet at these stations must be 16 years of age or older, with the exception of any child or youth registered in a training session specifically geared toward that
    age group.

    An individual must have a valid Franklin Lakes library card to schedule or initiate a computer
    session. Individuals wishing to register for computer training in the Technology Lab may do so by registering at the Adult Reference Desk.

    *Individual users may elect to make a reservation for up to three, one-hour sessions per day.

    *Individuals will be required to vacate the Technology Lab one hour prior to scheduled classes, workshops or other programs. All Lab activities will end one half hour prior to closing time.

    *Individual use of the computer workstations in the Technology Lab is governed by the
    Franklin Lakes Public Library’s Internet Access, Behavior, and Technology Lab Policies. All persons using the Lab must abide by these rules.

    The payment schedule for all classes is posted in the Tech Lab flyer.

    Group Use

    Non-Profit Groups:
    The Technology Lab may be used by Franklin Lakes non-profit groups.

    Private Group Use:

    The Technology Lab may be used by local corporations as well as other local groups and
    organizations, as outlined in the “Room Rental Fees” section of this policy.

    All non-library groups that want to reserve the Technology Lab must complete the Technology Lab Application and submit it to the Library’s Business Office for consideration. The Library Director is authorized to grant or deny permission for use of the Lab by individual organizations, pursuant to the provisions of this Technology Lab Policy.

    *Applications for use of the Library’s Technology Lab shall be reviewed in order of receipt per priority in scheduling listed above — See Availability & Priority of Use.

    *Reservations for use of the Library’s Technology Lab may not be made less than fourteen
    (14) days and not more than three (3) months in advance of the program.

    *Approval or denial of applications will be made in writing, whenever time allows. Oral,
    electronic or written notice will be given to the person who signed the Technology Lab application.

    *No group shall reassign or transfer its permission to use the Technology Lab (time or date) to any other group/organization.

    *An authorized, responsible contact person or a designated trainer, who is at least twenty-one (21) years of age, must serve as the contact person to interface with Library Staff for each Technology Lab booking. This contact person must have a valid Franklin Lakes Public Library card in good standing, and must agree, in writing, to accept responsibility for the use of all Library owned property and equipment as outlined in the Library’s Internet Use and Behavior Policies.

    *The organization’s trainer is expected to make an appointment to meet with the Franklin Lakes Public Library’s IT Staff a minimum of one week in advance of the reserved date, to familiarize him/herself with what is available for use in the Library’s Technology Lab, and to receive training in the use of the Library’s Technology Lab and its equipment.

    *The contact person or designated trainer is expected to be in attendance for the entire time that the Technology Lab is being used.

    *All groups or organizations utilizing the Library’s Technology Lab are limited to a maximum of nine participants, exclusive of the instructor or trainer, with no more than one individual per computer.

    *Children or student groups must have adult supervision by a person at least twenty-one (21) years of age, or be participants in a Franklin Lakes Public Library sponsored program

    *Cancellation of a scheduled class or program with less than twenty-four (24) hours’ notice
    will result in forfeiture of any/all Technology Lab fees paid.

    *The Library reserves the right to cancel any reservation to use the Technology Training Lab. Where circumstances permit, the Library will attempt to provide the group with thirty (30) days’ notice.

    *If a user/organization violates any Library or Technology Lab Policy, the Library reserves the right to cancel or suspend use of the Technology Lab by that particular

    *The Library reserves the right to require a Certificate of Insurance from the group or organization applying for use of the Technology Training Lab, to be submitted with the completed Technology Lab Application.

    General Rules of Conduct

    *Individuals and groups using the Library’s Technology Lab agree to follow the Library’s Behavior Guidelines, Internet Use and other Board-approved policies and procedures governing usage of the Library and its equipment.

    *Individuals and groups are also governed by the Library’s policies regarding downloading and printing, including compliance with all Federal Copyright Laws.

    *Users of the Technology Lab agree to cease use of the Lab immediately upon notice from Library Staff.

    *Food and beverages are prohibited in the Technology Lab.

    *Library staff may enter the Technology Training Lab at any time.

    *Patron or group use is limited to the software installed on the computers; installation of other software on Library computers and workstations is not permitted.

    *Individuals or organizations utilizing the Library’s Technology Training Lab shall not tamper with or alter existing settings on any Library equipment, including but not limited to, printers, computers, and audiovisual control equipment. Any such changes are in violation of this Technology Lab Policy.

    *Work may be temporarily saved on the hard drive; however, all work will be deleted at the close of the day. Patrons should plan to save work to their own USB drive or other device.

    *The Franklin Lakes Public Library is not responsible for damage to any patron’s portable device or computer, or for any loss of data, that may occur from the patron’s use of Library computers.

    *Personal headphones/ear pieces may be used in connection with Library computers; ear buds are available for purchase at the Library’s Circulation Desk

    *Users/Organizations are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and putting things
    in order. The Library is not responsible for any personal items left in the Lab.

    Room Rental Fees

    The Franklin Lakes Public Library Technology Lab is available on an hourly basis for use by not-for-profit and non-business-related clubs/organizations, as well as corporate businesses and other entities needing a technology training space. All groups will be required to sign a Hold
    Harmless Agreement. Usage fee includes staff time, as specified.

    All fees are on an hourly basis, as follows:

    Franklin Lakes not for profit and non-business-related clubs/organizations: Hourly rates:
    *$25.00 (Twenty-five dollars) for the first hour
    *$25.00 (Twenty-five dollars) for each subsequent hour or part thereof

    Local Area Businesses and other corporate entities:

    Franklin Lakes based Hourly rates:
    $100.00 (One hundred dollars) for the first hour
    *$50.00 (Fifty dollars) for each subsequent hour or part thereof

    Fees include staff assistance as follows:
    *Consultation with the organization/business’ trainer regarding Technology Lab equipment and software compatibility

    *After consultation with the Library’s IT staff, if it is determined that the contact person/trainer is not sufficiently knowledgeable to operate the Library’s equipment without assistance, arrangements must be made with IT staff to operate equipment at the rate of $50.00 (Fifty dollars)/hour.

    *Staff setting-up and shutting down the Technology Lab, including the turning on and off of all computers, printer and projection equipment

    *Staff assistance with any technical difficulties that might occur during the course of a program

    *Library Staff may assist with the presentation of the program; however, Library Staff will not act as a primary instructor or trainer except with prior approval of the Library Director or her/his designated agent.

    All fees are due to the Library’s Business Office on or before the organization’s appointment to meet with the Franklin Lakes Public Library’s IT Staff. This date shall be at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled program or workshop.

    For Classes:
    $2 Seniors, ages 65 & up
    $5 Franklin Lakes residents
    $10 Out of Town residents

    1 on 1 Private Sessions:
    $10 seniors, Ages 65 & up
    $20 Franklin Lakes residents
    $40 Out of Town residents

    The current fee schedule will be posted in the Tech Lab flyer.


  • The Franklin Lakes Public Library provides four study rooms as a service to library users. The study rooms are for use by small groups or individuals for quiet study and/or work on team projects. The rooms are not available for regularly scheduled classes, unless approved in advance by the Director or Assistant Director. Use of these rooms should be consistent with the objective of the library, which is to provide for all ages a suitable environment for research, study, reading and learning. Study Room access is restricted to residents of Franklin Lakes.

    *Library study rooms may not be used to distribute or sell goods or services of any kind, including, but not limited to, paid tutoring services.

    *All individuals using a study room must be at least 12 years old or a student in grade six or higher. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times while using a study room.
    Use of the study rooms will be arranged at the Reference Desk on the second floor. Franklin Lakes residents may reserve a study room up to one week in advance and a valid library card or proof of residency must be presented. Study rooms are available to any individual or small study group at no charge with priority given to Franklin Lakes card holders. A waiting list will be maintained at the Reference Desk if the rooms are occupied.

    *A designated individual in the group using a study room must leave a personal ID at the Reference Desk (i.e. valid driver's license, current library card, student ID).

    *All individuals using a Study Room must sign in at the Reference Desk.

    *Study rooms are available up to one half hour prior to library closing.

    *Groups must adhere to the maximum capacity posted in each room. Exceeding the maximum capacity is prohibited by law.

    *A grace period of ten minutes will be observed in order for an individual or group to claim a room. After that time it may be forfeited to others waiting. More than two “no show” reservations may result in the loss of study room reservation privileges.

    *Study rooms may be used for two hours. This time may be extended if no other patrons are waiting to use the rooms. Extended time expires as soon as another group requests the room.

    *Study rooms are equipped for four, six and/or ten people. No extra chairs will be allowed without prior approval from library staff.

    *Activities in a study room should not materially or substantially interfere with the proper functions of the library.

    *Staff has Staff has Staff has the discretionary authority to remove users from the study room should their behavior be disruptive to others in the library. Prohibited activities include: causing excessive noise, creating safety hazards or security risks, and creating other disturbances that violate the Library Patron Behavior Policy.

    *All individuals are responsible for the condition of the rooms they occupy and should return furniture to the original arrangement. Repair costs to fix any damage to the room
    will be charged.

    *All individuals in the room are responsible for the behavior of others using the room during their session. Nothing may be taped or affixed to any part of the room. Groups and individuals are responsible for leaving the study rooms in good order after use.

    Covered drinks are allowed in the rooms but any clean-up is the responsibility of the group or person reserving the room. Food is only permitted in the café area located on the first floor.

    *Usage of tobacco and electronic cigarettes is strictly prohibited.

    *Groups/individuals may bring their own computer or electronic devices. The library accepts no responsibility for the use or care of personally supplied equipment and is not responsible for items lost or stolen.

    *Wi-Fi is is available throughout the library at no cost to patrons.

    The Franklin Lakes Public Library is not liable for injuries to individuals or for damages to or the loss of personal property of individuals or groups using a study room.

    The fact that a group is permitted to meet in the Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies and beliefs.

    The Board of Library Trustees reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. The library may also deny access to the study rooms to groups that have failed to follow the rules and regulations for the rooms' use.

    Approved: 3/19/14


  • The Franklin Lakes Public Library recognizes the benefit to the students and parents of the community for tutoring to be allowed within the Library.

    Free usage of the Study Rooms located on the second floor of the Library is permitted for tutoring. Study Rooms can be reserved one week in advance of the date of use. Main Library areas are not available for tutoring (including the Meeting Room, the Local History Room, the Quiet Reading Room or the Children’s Room) as this space is reserved for research, reading, and individual study.

    The following procedures are intended to provide a balance between the use of the Library by tutors and their students, and the use of the Library by other members of the community.

    *The student must be a Franklin Lakes resident.

    *Designated areas are available during the hours the Library is open until thirty (30) minutes before closing. If there is a need, non-reservable designated spaces will be made available at the discretion of the Library Staff.

    * Tutors are responsible for the behavior of the student during the session and must comply with our Unattended Children’s policy as well as the Library’s Code of Conduct policy.

    *Tutors may not publish or distribute advertisements or letters identifying the Library as their place of conducting business or imply Library sponsorship of their activities.

    *The Library does not sponsor, recommend, or assume liability or responsibility for the work and/or activities of tutors who use available library space. All arrangements must be made between the tutor, students and parents.

    *Excessive no-shows or cancellations of reservations will result in loss of privileges. Reservations for Study Rooms can be made one week in advance and will be held for fifteen (15) minutes on the scheduled date. Study Rooms can be reserved for one hour.

    Individuals who are receiving home instruction, ESL training, or school sanctioned tutoring activities will have priority in reserving Study Rooms as will Literacy volunteers. Proper documentation must be provided and coordination with the Library’s Business Administrator is required for these accommodations.

    Approved 10/18/21


  • The Franklin Lakes Public Library and its volunteers are a valuable partnership providing services to patrons. The volunteer donates time and skills, without financial compensation, while the Franklin Lakes Library provides an opportunity for personal satisfaction through service.

    A. The Franklin Lakes Public Library encourages volunteer participation in Library activities. Volunteers can be a valuable means of strengthening existing services and adding new ones.

    B. Volunteers are a supplement and complement to paid staff; they are not to be considered a replacement.

    C. Since volunteers can play a significant role in the operation of the Library, they are expected to meet the same standard of professional conduct as paid staff members. Dependability is a quality that is highly valued.

    D. Volunteers can expect that the Library will provide an opportunity for self-development, relevant tasks, and recognition for the services they have provided.

    E. The Library Director, or designated Volunteer Coordinator, will be responsible for the interviewing, selection, training, supervision, and evaluation of Library volunteers.

    F. Attendance records will be maintained for volunteers. Every volunteer over the age of eighteen (18) will be required to have a background check.


  • A. The Board of Trustees and the staff of the Franklin Lakes Public Library are anxious to provide for the public as many attractive, educational and cultural exhibits as possible. The purpose of the exhibits is to stimulate interest in books and reading, to relate the library collection and services to community, national and world affairs, and to provide for the display of local talents, hobbies and collections.

    The use by individuals or organizations of the library's facilities for displays and/or exhibits
    is a privilege which is subject to review by the Board of Trustees.

    B. The library Director may grant the privilege of placing exhibits in the library, subject to the following conditions:
    1. All literature shall be submitted for approval by the library Director.

    2. The display of any materials which advocate the election or defeat of a candidate for public office or of a proposition shall not be permitted unless all sides have the opportunity to be equally represented.

    3. Solicitation for any organization or individual shall not be permitted in the library.

    4. Exhibits of a commercial nature will not be permitted.

    5. The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited beyond the terms of the library's insurance policy. All items placed in the library are done so at the owners risk.

    Approved 7/13/81

    C. Photo Release Form:

    The Franklin Lakes Public Library would like to raise awareness of the
    success of its programs and the value of libraries in New Jersey. Individual library success stories will be used as the basis for articles in newspapers, trade journals, newsletters, and may be posted on the library’s website.

    Whenever possible, photographs will accompany these articles. All subjects will therefore be asked to sign a photo release form.

    *Personal information about patrons or staff may not be published without a signed release.

    *Any photograph of an identifiable person must have the written consent before it is published.

    *A release form allows parents to select which type of personal
    information can be posted and how it will appear when it is posted.

    See Addenda for release form PDF


    Application for use of library space for exhibits (THIS FORM IS NO LONGER IN USE)



  • A.Piano

    Donated by the Woman's Club of Franklin Lakes in March, 1979, the
    library's Baldwin grand piano enables musical programs to be presented at the library.

    1. Requests for the use of the piano for a program should be included in a meeting room request and will be governed by the Meeting Room Policy.

    2. Use of the piano for purposes other than the presentation of a program is at the discretion of the library Director. The piano is not to be used for practice other than for rehearsal of a program to be presented at the library.

    3. The piano will be tuned once a year in November. In addition, the piano will be tuned, if necessary, for any library programs. Any-outside groups requesting the use of he piano will pay for its tuning. If desired, in all cases only the "registered piano technician" retained by the library will service the piano.

    Approved 9/14/81

    C. Equipment

    There are certain items of equipment which are purchased or leased primarily for office use to facilitate library operations, or which support library programs and information services, and which are used by the staff in non-public areas of the building.

    Prudent use of library equipment may be allowed, provided that such use does not interfere with the conduct of business of the library, and providing permission has been requested in writing, in advance, and has been approved by the library director for:

    *Uses and groups directly related to the library.

    *Uses and organizations directly related to the public schools.

    *Local municipal departments.

    *Community charitable, civic or educational organizations based in Franklin Lakes.

    Transfer of library equipment for use outside of the building may be approved however the request must come from an official or officer of the organization which will accept all responsibility and liability for the transfer and use of the equipment. A request from a minor (under 18) must be accompanied by the name of an adult supervisor, who has agreed to accept such responsibility.

    In the event the library director deems it advisable, any application for equipment use may be referred to the Library Board of Trustees for action.

    Approved 2/13/95


  • These policies shall supersede all previous library policies and any provision, practice or regulation with which it is in conflict. They may be amended by a majority vote of all members of the Board provided written notice of the proposed amendment shall have been mailed to all members at least five (5) days prior to the meeting at which such action is proposed to be taken.

    Approved 7/11/83